Introducing and Implementing New Standards and Products

To support the quality initiatives with the worldwide roll out of a new system, RGA was adopting ITIL service support standards and implementing HP Service Desk. The need for a strong Project Manager with HP Service Desk and another Project Manager with extensive knowledge of ITIL was required. The approaching deadline that RGA had made it critical to add senior-level skills fast.
Neteffects provided an ITIL Certified Consultant with a long project history of successfully introducing and managing ITIL processes for the IT Service Management practice (ITSM). In addition, our Consultant had several prior implementations of HP Service Desk. This approach enabled one person to effective handle two areas of need, resulting in a cost-savings for the client who had anticipated on it taking two different people to accomplish the one task at hand. RGA was able to successfully implement ITIL and HP Service Desk, and because of our Consultant’s proven success with the projects, our Consultant was asked to work on other RGA needs.
"When we have challenging positions to fill, we immediately turn to Neteffects." - Rick N., Sr. Vice President, RGA