Build a Development Team in 5 Days

AT&T, a global telecommunications company, needed to build a web development team with more than 10 people, for a critical project starting within five days. AT&T reached out to five firms to respond to the request, and then narrow it down to one firm to ultimately lead the effort. The goal was to first find a Project Lead who would then be trained to conduct interviews and subsequently create a team of developers, analysts, and quality assurance analysts for this special.
Neteffects’ team of Recruiters worked around the clock to identify, screen, and submit the best candidates to AT&T. As a result of our quick response and the quality of the candidates presented, Neteffects was selected to lead the entire effort and staff the entire team. There was no turnover throughout the duration of this project.
"Outstanding job. We really appreciate the extra effort on this one. It was a tough assignment, and our leadership was very interested in the results - so your efforts definitely did not go unnoticed." - Mark M., Associate Director - AT&T